Old Auto Paint Brochures Added

I’ve been scanning many of my old auto paint brochures, color chip charts and print advertisements and adding them to this site. It is enjoyable to bring these cool items out of boxes and binders to share them with you.

One of the things I love best is the art work depicting people painting cars with a brush. It recalls a simpler time of lower technology and slower methods. It was also a dangerous time, shown by instructions to “wash the car with benzene before painting” and the high lead content in most paints. Many early spray paint photos show minimal masking and little or no personal protection equipment for the worker.

I still have more to get out and scan. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do. If there are any of the print items that interest you to purchase, please click on the “Front Page” link at the top of this page. Send me a message using the form on the bottom of the Front Page.